Information for Contributors

The submitted written contributions must be fully elaborated, may not exceed 12 pages (incl. literature, excl. title page) and can be prepared in German or English. The formatting guidelines as well as the format templates can be found on the conference homepage
Manuscripts are to be submitted as PDF files via the conference homepage by 18 March, 2022. The number of papers is limited to one paper per speaker. In the case of jointly authored contributions, the person presenting the paper must be named. In the case of contributions in English, please indicate whether the presentation is to be given in English or German. If it is to be held in German, the English title must also be provided in German.

The evaluation of the contributions will be performed anonymously by two reviewers. The following criteria are used for the evaluation: relevance of the topic, originality of the contribution, appropriateness of the methodological approach and comprehensibility of the presentation. Accepted contributions will be presented in thematic working groups at the annual conference and, where appropriate, published in the conference proceedings after the reviewers' comments have been incorporated.
By submitting a paper, authors agree that the written paper will be made available electronically to registered conference participants and posted on AgEconSearch.

In the self-organized working groups, current issues in the economic and social sciences of agriculture are to be discussed with representatives from politics, business and civil society. The time frame is 90 minutes per work group. Proposals for work groups should explain the topic and describe the format (concept, time structure, contributions and speakers or discussion participants) on a maximum of four pages in German or English. Proposals should be submitted as a PDF file via the conference homepage by 4 February 2022. The program committee and the GEWISOLA board will jointly decide on the selection of the submitted proposals.

Proposals for poster contributions should present the problem, the method and the results of a research work on a maximum of two pages in German or English. Proposals will be evaluated for their quality and suitability for the conference. The templates for formatting can be found on the conference homepage. Proposals must be submitted as PDF files via the conference homepage by 29 April 2022. Accepted posters are to be prepared according to the instructions for posters provided on the conference homepage. The poster contributions will be grouped thematically and presented by the authors in parallel groups within a fixed time frame (max. 10 minutes for short talk and discussion per poster). Accepted and presented poster contributions will be published in the conference proceedings with a maximum two-page abstract.

Pre-conference activities can be organized on the morning of 7 September 2022. These may be workshops, meetings or discussion groups on topics of your choice. Proposals with details on content, structure, speakers and target group of participants can be submitted on a maximum of two pages in German or English as a PDF file via the conference homepage by 4 February 2022. The program committee and the GEWISOLA board will decide on the selection of the submitted proposals.

Please submit your proposals for organised sessions, pre-conference activities, your written papers or your poster proposal via our conference management system (ConfTool).

Please observe the author's notes and the use of the appropriate format templates:

Written Papers

For your presentation, please use a landscape format and also ensure the legibility of your presentation.

If you want to upload presentation formats other than pdf, pptx, mp4, avi, pez, please sent an e-mail to

Poster Contributions

Posters should be made in A0 size in portrait format. Please ensure legibility of all content.

If you want to upload presentation formats other than pdf, pptx, mp4, avi, pez, please sent an e-mail to